Restoration Home with Jennifer Pepito

In this show we talk about the peaceful path to connected families and restored communities. It’s all about the simple things that we do as women that have the potential to save the world.

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Friday Jan 05, 2024

It's the beginning of 2024, and we are opening The Restoration Home Community. We are so excited for this next year of habit building and community. 
"Why" you might ask. Well, habits, community, looking your children in the eye, a few more family dinners is about more than a nicer life or happier children, a cleaner house, more time to exercise. These are all parts of building something beautiful and sustaining that can carry ourselves and our families through whatever lies ahead. 
In preparation for the community and podcast line up for 2024, Jennifer and Emelie came together to talk about community, restoration, and how you can save the world by eating dinner as a family. But ultimately, we're excited about how growing habits of thankfulness, prayer, quiet can bring us closer to God and bring greater wholeness to our day to day lives.   
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Check out our Elementary Bundles to provide your child with a strong foundation in creativity, living stories, science, and history.
The Kind Kingdom Volume 1 and Volume 2
The Playful Pioneers Volume 1 and Volume 2
Precious People Volume 1
We are now selling a printed version of the Peaceful Preschool.
Find the beautiful Peaceful Press Cookbook on Amazon!! 
 In this episode–
We can't save the world by changing our behaviour and nor our hearts
The simplest things, like eating dinner as a family can have a huge impact. 
Habits are things best built within community which is why we are so excited about the Restoration Home Community
Pre-order Jennifer's new book Habits for a Sacred Home 
The Two Weeks to a Happier Homeschool resource
The Peaceful Life Workshop
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie’s Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Dec 29, 2023

How can the principles of a Charlotte Mason education help you love God and create an elevated wholesome family?
Charlotte Mason wrote of education, "We allow no separation to grow up between the intellectual and 'spiritual' life of children...". The unity between a child's spiritual growth and their intellectual development has led Jennifer, over the years, to create the Peaceful Press and with her husband, curate a home environment that focuses on "whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy...".(Phil 4:8)
But what does the home environment have to do with education? What do we mean when we talk about not separating a child's spiritual life from their education? 
In this solo episode, Jennifer does a delightful and well researched job of explaining the philosophy behind the Peaceful Press education method, and its role in restoration. 
Finally, we are so excited to announce that the Restoration Home Community is NOW OPEN. Join Jennifer for a year of habit building through Jennifer's new book "Habits for a Sacred Home". One thing we have learned is that community is so important for growing in our habits and acheiving our goals, and we're excited to build community around sacred habits in 2024. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Check out our Elementary Bundles to provide your child with a strong foundation in creativity, living stories, science, and history.
The Kind Kingdom Volume 1 and Volume 2
The Playful Pioneers Volume 1 and Volume 2
Precious People Volume 1
We are now selling a printed version of the Peaceful Preschool.
Find the beautiful Peaceful Press Cookbook on Amazon!! 
 In this episode–
A Charlotte Mason Education
Why we love beautiful literature  
Setting the atmosphere of your home 
How to curate what comes into your home, including where your main focus is
Looking for a course on homeschooling: check out the The Peaceful Path to a Living Education 
The Two Weeks to a Happier Homeschool resource
The Peaceful Life Workshop
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram

Friday Dec 22, 2023

With 2023 drawing to a close and 2024 beginning, there are things we can do to process, grieve, celebrate the past year, so we can approach the new year with hope, vision, and excitement. 
Jennifer and Emelie come together in Episode 63 to share how they process the past year, and plan for the next year. 
This episode covers personal stories and ideas for the processes of welcoming in the new year. They cover the importance of dreaming with God for the year, setting aside time to grieve dissapointment, failure, and frustrations from the year so we can understand God's perspective on us and our year. They talk about learning to hear from God as a friend who wants to speak with and join us in our dreaming. 
The episode is also full of practical and beautiful ideas for making goals. You can write a eulogy so each year you set goals around how you want to be remebered. Setting fun goals like what do I want to learn, what books do I want to read, are great for finding ways to grow and learn something that privides life giving creativity or opportunities to learn and rest. 
Finally, we are so excited to announce that the Restoration Home Community is opening in January for a year of habit building through Jennifer's new book "Habits for a Sacred Home". One things we have learned is that community is so important for growing in our habits and acheiving our goals, and we're excited to build community around sacred habits in 2024. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Check out our Elementary Bundles to provide your child with a strong foundation in creativity, living stories, science, and history.
The Kind Kingdom Volume 1 and Volume 2
The Playful Pioneers Volume 1 and Volume 2
Precious People Volume 1
We are now selling a printed version of the Peaceful Preschool.
Find the beautiful Peaceful Press Cookbook on Amazon!! 
 In this episode–
The role of community in growing new habits and acheiving our goals.
Learning to talk to God and to dream with him as we plan and create our year 
Setting 10, 20, 30 year goals so we know where we are ultimately aiming for as we plan each year
Processing and grieving what went wrong and learning to appreciate how God moves in our circumstances
The importance of writing a eulogy 
The Two Weeks to a Happier Homeschool resource
The Peaceful Life Workshop
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie’s Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Dec 15, 2023

Is technology a tool or a toy, good or bad? What role does the arts play in technology? Can technology play a part in restoring homes? 
Ryan Collins, president of Bethel Tech, joins Jennifer in Episode 62 to answer these questions and so much more. There is a place for connection over video games, and the arts are the bedrock to a career in technology, just as they are for other aspects of a child's development into a well rounded human. Ryan also brings to the podcast a passion for righteous principles in the work force, his excitement for tech careers opportunities that skip years of college and debt, and his experience as a homeschool dad building a family culture of intentionality. 
Ryan's Practices for a whole and Restored Family: 
We turn off wifi every night when we go to bed.
When we travel qw wear hats that are emf blockers
We make sure we are not spending a ton of time staring at screens
We spend a lot of time outside and together
Limit a child's screen time and make sure you are monitoring it
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Check out our Elementary Bundles to provide your child with a strong foundation in creativity, living stories, science, and history.
The Kind Kingdom Volume 1 and Volume 2
The Playful Pioneers Volume 1 and Volume 2
Precious People Volume 1
 In this episode–
The role of technology in the future job market 
Understanding video games and their role in connection versus addiction 
Have a family vision of real connection 
Technology usage should be balanced with other life priorities and values
The importance of monitoring and stewarding your childs screen time and video game consumption
If you are looking to transition careers or looking for career ideas for your children, check out the Bethel School of Technology 
You can find Ryan Collins book "God of Tech" on Amazon 
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Ryan here-
Ryan's Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Tuesday Dec 12, 2023

One of the values of restoration is creativity. Architecture is creativity, making a budget go farther than you thought is creativity, cooking a beautiful meal, scheduling your day so you have time for what is important to you, and so much more require creative actions. At the root of creativity is "create", which means "to make or bring into existence something new". Creativity is producing something which is not obvious or already there. 
While creativity can range from perfecting organization in a small space to a Degas painting, one thing all creative actions have in common is the need for white space, quiet space, empty space to provide the downtime needed for creativity. 
This week Jennifer Pepito is joined by Ashlee Gadd the creator of Coffee and Crumbs and author at the Coffee and Crumbs Substack. They talk about how to create downtime for creativity, learning to better understand your personal relationship with social media and the spiritual importance of creativity. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Looking for ways to celebrate and enjoy the beauty of the holidays? Check out our Christmas Vol. 1 and 2, and the Unearthing Wonder Advent Guide.
Also, we have a brand new Peaceful Press Holiday Book Flood: 25 Day Picture Book Advent Guide to enjoy! 
Check out our free Ten Day Connection Challenge 
 In this episode–
Ashlee Gadd on carving out space for creativity
Taking an intentional social media fast to observe your reactions without it; how do you spend your time, how do you feel, what changes for better or worse during that period
No matter what set of priorities you choose for you children, the importance of allowing them "bored time" 
Five minutes can be enough to creatively solve a problem, organise, work on a painting, type a few words, it's about consistency not quantity.
Check out Ashlee's new book Create Anyway: The Joy of Pursuing Creativity in the Margins of Motherhood
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Ashlee here-
Ashlee's Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Dec 01, 2023

I was recently in San Francisco, and I drove from the airport to Poplar Beach in Half Moon Bay. The change as I moved closer to the ocean, the expanses of green, the hills, the empty space, I could feel myself starting to breathe again. You might not be fortunate enough to live in an area where you can walk barefoot on the beach in December, but no matter what climate you live in, Episode 59 is full of beautiful ways to enjoy and observe the quiet and rest found in nature across the Holiday season. 
Lynn Seddon of Raising Little Shoots and the guide Exploring Nature with Children joins Jennifer Pepito to talk about creating a natural Christmas. How we can use the flora and fauna around us to bring seasonal nature into our homes, how it can bring connection, quiet our souls in a rushed season through multidimensional sensory input, and fill our homes with the beauty of the winter season. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Looking for ways to celebrate and enjoy the beauty of the holidays? Check out our Christmas Vol. 1 and 2, and the Unearthing Wonder Advent Guide.
Also, we have a brand new Peaceful Press Holiday Book Flood: 25 Day Picture Book Advent Guide to enjoy! 
Check out our free Ten Day Connection Challenge 
 In this episode–
Lynn Seddon on decorating with nature
The importance of multi-sensory activities
Modeling for our children the lifestyle and priorities we wish to instill in them
Creative ways to enjoy the outdoors in the winter season 
Check out the Phrenology Wheel and "Exploring Nature with Children"
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Gayle Boss here-
Lynn's Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Nov 24, 2023

Welcome to Episode 58! Jennifer Pepito talks with Audrey Roloff about nurturing marriage and living with vision.
They chat about the power of marriage mentors, a written vision, and letters to encourage your spouse.
We loved learning about nurturing a marriage in this episode. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Check out the Christmas Guide Vol 1 or Vol 2.
Use the Unearthing Wonder Advent Guide to set aside time to encounter God this holiday season.
Check out our newest holiday resource, The Peaceful Press Book Flood!
We are now selling a printed version of the Peaceful Preschool.
Find the beautiful Peaceful Press Cookbook on Amazon!! 
 In this episode–
Creating a written record of your love.
The power of dreaming as a couple
The importance of finding marriage parents.
Memories of Christmas Journal from Audrey Roloff
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Audrey here-
Audrey's Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Nov 17, 2023

Welcome to Episode 57! Jennifer Pepito and Emelie Pepito answer questions from our Peaceful Press and Restoration Home Community. 
They covers ideas for beginner homemakers, applying the Charlotte Mason Education to a stress free holiday season, and much more.
We loved your questions and the conversation they inspired in this episode. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Check out the Christmas Guide Vol 1 or Vol 2.
Use the Unearthing Wonder Advent Guide to set aside time to encounter God this holiday season.
Check out our newest holiday resource, The Peaceful Press Book Flood!
We are now selling a printed version of the Peaceful Preschool.
Find the beautiful Peaceful Press Cookbook on Amazon!! 
 In this episode–
Creating a home versus creating an instagram staging ground
First generation homemakers? It's not hard, just enjoy the journey 
Home education the Charlotte Mason way
How to use the Peaceful Press Christmas Material 
Why a little goes a long way in our teaching
A Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola 
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie’s Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Nov 10, 2023

As deep cold and long nights approach, the painted turtle burrows deep, stills its breathing, and disappears into quietude for 6 months. It was the story of the Painted Turtle's waiting period that first inspired Gayle Boss to create the All Creation Waits book that inspired the Peaceful Press's Unearthing Wonder Advent Guide. 
Now we welcome Gayle Boss onto Restoration Home for a conversation about the inspiration and birth of "All Creation Waits". Gayle talks about waiting, about seasonal depression not as something shameful, but as the bodies response to the season and the need to cuddle in, to still the whirl of activity we dwell amidst, and let our souls rest. 
Sometimes, you wake up and suddenly realise your soul is heavy and so often we'll medicate that heaviness, when we need to clear the deck to let ourselves sink deep into the mud like a painted turtle and experience deep quiet. 
In this season, what would leaning into rest look for you? What does your soul need, what does the heartbeat of your family need? 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Looking for ways to celebrate and enjoy the beauty of the holidays? Check out our Christmas Vol. 1 and 2, and the Unearthing Wonder Advent Guide.
Also, we have a brand new Peaceful Press Holiday Book Flood: 25 Day Picture Book Advent Guide to enjoy! 
Check out our free Ten Day Connection Challenge 
 In this episode–
Gayle Boss's story behind All Creation Waits
Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder as a normal response to drastically changing seasons
The role of nature study in winter and how it can continue to settle us and bring us into the presence of God. 
All Creation Waits and All Creation Waits Children's Edition are beautiful books to enjoy Advent with our companion guide, "Unearthing Wonder"
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Gayle Boss here-
Gayle's Website
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Nov 03, 2023

In this episode, Jennifer Pepito and Emelie Pepito have a mother-daughter conversation about parenting. As a family, Scott and Jennifer practiced and researched many parenting approaches across 30 years and 7 children. While the parenting methods may have changed, their love for their children, and their intentionality were steadfast. 
Episode 55 is a deep, personal, and tender look at what parenting is and isn't and how to seek restoration rather than perfection for ourselves and our children. Finally, you are who your children need and sometimes it's the less-than-perfect areas in our lives that equip our children in ways we maybe couldn't imagine. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Check out the Christmas Guide Vol 1 or Vol 2.
Use the Unearthing Wonder Advent Guide to set aside time to encounter God this holiday season.
Check out our newest holiday resource, The Peaceful Press Book Flood!
We are now selling a printed version of the Peaceful Preschool!! 
Find the beautiful Peaceful Press Cookbook on Amazon!! 
 In this episode–
Scott and Jennifer's parenting adventure
Parenting with intentionality 
What a parent is and what they aren't 
The most important thing you can do for your children is grow and heal as an individual
You are who your children need 
Parents are stewards, not owners
Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne 
Check out Mothering by the Book by Jennifer Pepito
Download our free connection challenge to jump start better behavior and a more peaceful home.
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie’s Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

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