Restoration Home with Jennifer Pepito

In this show we talk about the peaceful path to connected families and restored communities. It’s all about the simple things that we do as women that have the potential to save the world.

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Friday Nov 03, 2023

In this episode, Jennifer Pepito and Emelie Pepito have a mother-daughter conversation about parenting. As a family, Scott and Jennifer practiced and researched many parenting approaches across 30 years and 7 children. While the parenting methods may have changed, their love for their children, and their intentionality were steadfast. 
Episode 55 is a deep, personal, and tender look at what parenting is and isn't and how to seek restoration rather than perfection for ourselves and our children. Finally, you are who your children need and sometimes it's the less-than-perfect areas in our lives that equip our children in ways we maybe couldn't imagine. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Check out the Christmas Guide Vol 1 or Vol 2.
Use the Unearthing Wonder Advent Guide to set aside time to encounter God this holiday season.
Check out our newest holiday resource, The Peaceful Press Book Flood!
We are now selling a printed version of the Peaceful Preschool!! 
Find the beautiful Peaceful Press Cookbook on Amazon!! 
 In this episode–
Scott and Jennifer's parenting adventure
Parenting with intentionality 
What a parent is and what they aren't 
The most important thing you can do for your children is grow and heal as an individual
You are who your children need 
Parents are stewards, not owners
Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne 
Check out Mothering by the Book by Jennifer Pepito
Download our free connection challenge to jump start better behavior and a more peaceful home.
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie’s Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Oct 27, 2023

Cameras clicking, children laughing, turkey roasting, presents yet to be wrapped, quietude of "silent night, holy night". The holidays are a magical moment of our year, where we set aside time and energy to celebrate, remember, enjoy, and connect with family and friends. Yet in all that beauty, it's often a time when stress, past hurt, present pain, the desire to create something magical for our spouse, children, loved ones, and dirty laundry can become a monumental practice exacerbating lies we believe about ourselves, God, and our ability to be connect and be present with those who really matter.
Join Joy Prouty, author of Practicing Presence and Jennifer Pepito to talk about how the process of becoming present creates connection, and offers restorative practices for engaging in the difficult tasks of life. With both practical steps for stepping back from the madness to find the beauty, return to present, and capture the moment, as well as a gentle understanding of how stressful life can be, but how good and sufficient God is, this episode is a perfect forerunner to the holidays and the rest of your life. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Looking for ways to celebrate and enjoy the beauty of the holidays? Check out our Christmas Vol. 1 and 2, and the Unearthing Wonder Advent Guide.
Also, we have a brand new Peaceful Press Holiday Book Flood: 25 Day Picture Book Advent Guide to enjoy! 
Check out our free Ten Day Connection Challenge 
 In this episode–
The four steps to practicing presence in 30 seconds
Joy's midwifery of photo taking, capturing memories, and enjoying the moment
The 20 second memory rule for creating and sustaining poignant moments
The beauty of setting intentions that are lifegiving over the lies we tell ourselves: "I'm not a good "mom", "wife", "friend", "sister."" becomes "I am sufficient for this life because Christ has promised that in our weakness He is strong." 
Embracing our capabilities and being gentle with our limitations
Do read Joy's book Practicing Presence: A Mother's Guide to Savoring Life through the Photos You're Already Taking
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Joy Prouty here-
Joy's Instagram and on her website
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Oct 20, 2023

Abbie Halberstadt is the author of M is for Mama and Hard is Not the Same as Bad joins Jennifer Pepito for a timely conversation about "hard": hard family relations, hard pasts, hard parenting days, and doing "hard" in a culture that wants easy. 
 Often we are looking for ways to minimise or fix our life, so that it's simple, organised, smooth, life giving, wholesome, or brings us joy. But there are many hard things we cannot change, like the people we work with, stressful holiday interactions, days when our children are unsettled, bad news.
Abbie brings a beautiful, God-filled perspective to "hard" from her own life as she and Jennifer talk about all of the things that we encouter on the daily, and finding God in the midst of it. It is an incredible, refreshing conversation that reminds us that with God we are more than capable to live fully in the midst of hard things. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Looking for ways to celebrate and enjoy the beauty of the holidays? Check out our Christmas Guides Vol. 1 and 2, and the Unearthing Wonder Advent Guide. 
Find the beautiful Peaceful Press Cookbook on Amazon!! 
 In this episode–
Doing hard things as a counter-cultural movement 
Abbie's story
Learning to set the right kind of boundaries with family
A mother's mindfulness and the path to wholeness 
Leaving a legacy of intentionality rather than perfection 
Check out M is for Mama and Hard is Not the Same Thing as Bad by Abbie Halberstadt 
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Abbie Halberstadt here-
Abbie Halberstadt's Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Oct 13, 2023

Autumn colours are coming into their full beauty, and we're getting close to the Holiday Season! So, join Jennifer Pepito for a beautiful work along on how to plan and enjoy the Holiday Season in a way that brings restoration, peace, and pure joy.
In Ep. 52, Jennifer leads you through her Holiday Planner to create a simple, and enjoyable game plan to take the stress out of the holidays. Finally, in the second part of the episode, Jennifer takes us deep into her own story of seeing God restore experiences from childhood that continued to bring up pain, discontent, and cause stress at Christmas time. 
This episode is full of personal stories, ideas for gifts, and helpful tips on simplifying and thriving in what can be an intense and emotional season. It is such a beautiful listen. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Looking for ways to celebrate and enjoy the beauty of the holidays? Check out our Christmas Guides Vol. 1 and 2, and the Unearthing Wonder Advent Guide. 
Find the beautiful Peaceful Press Cookbook on Amazon!! 
In this episode:
Jennifer's personal story of restored Christmas
Making a plan for the Holidays  
A simple gift guide for your family 
The Peaceful Press Christmas Planning Sheets 
Great Christmas Stories
The Peaceful Press Christmas Gift Guides
Check out All Creation Waits and the Peaceful Press accompanying Advent Guide, Unearthing Wonder
All Creations Waits–Young Children's Version
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
Episode sponsored by The Peaceful Press. Create connection through our literature based resources. 
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Oct 06, 2023

Living with purpose isn't easy, but when we make a decision to live a vision and go after it whole heartedly, we create a legacy. 
Join Jennifer and Mary Heffernan author of The Hands On Ranch Book as they talk about Mary and Brian's vision and dedication to building Five Mary’s Farm with their four daughters. 
The podcast covers the ins and outs of an extreme big vision, like selling out of your Silicon Valley lifestyle and heading for a ranch. But Mary combines her experience, and the gift it’s been to her daughters with practical ways to start living on purpose and giving small children vision in everyday ways. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Looking for ways to celebrate and enjoy the beauty of the holidays? Check out our Christmas Guides Vol. 1 and 2, and the Unearthing Wonder Advent Guide. 
Find the beautiful Peaceful Press Cookbook on Amazon!! 
 In this episode–
Mary and Brian Heffernan's story
Your children are capable of more than they think 
Living for a bigger picture
Establishing our values, and then comitting to them, friction comes when we keep looking back for old pleasures or old lifestyles when we've comitted to something we believe will be better in the long run
Check out Mary's book and website!! 
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Mary Heffernan here-
Mary Heffernan's Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Sep 29, 2023

Meltdowns around the Christmas tree or heart melting home scenes? Christmas carolling, and a long winter evening with your family, or shuttling, and bustling from place to place? 
Why do we celebrate, what do we celebrate, how do we celebrate? 
When God gave the Israelites feasts, He gave them whys and hows. As a family, Jennifer and Scott Pepito spent time as their family grew and changed to create intentional sacred holidays that fueled family connection, time with God, and life giving rythms. 
Join Jennifer and Emelie for another mother-daughter conversation about traditions, rhythms, making room for God, and being creative and introspective in setting up holidays. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Check out the Christmas Guide Vol 1 or Vol 2.
Use the Unearthing Wonder Advent Guide to set aside time to encounter God this holiday season.
We are now selling a printed version of the Peaceful Preschool!! 
Find the beautiful Peaceful Press Cookbook on Amazon!! 
 In this episode–
Holidays don't have to be exhausting
What can you change, what do you want to keep, what is important for your future 
What are some holidays you can create for just your family
Build traditions that you can keep consistently and that bring you joy 
Knowing why you celebrate what you celebrate and keeping thinks simple makes a place for connection with others and space to encounter God when we're not frantically busy. 
Understanding that in the elementary years, sometimes input is more important than output when we're educating 
Workbooks teach your children to regurgitate information whilst engaging them in great literature, narration, and formulating ideas creates life long learners
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie’s Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Sep 22, 2023

Failure can breed in us a deep despondency, disappointment, and become a breeding ground for lies about our identity, the goodness of God, our authority, and the possibility for us to try again to achieve a seemingly impossible dream. 
But God. Be brave, be bold, and be humble. 
Rachel G. Scott, author and podcaster, joins Jennifer Pepito for a beautiful conversation about dissapointment, heartache, and the beauty of falling into the hands of a good God and Father when we have come to the place where our world is beyond our control and we've "failed". 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Looking for ways to celebrate and enjoy the beauty of the holidays? Check out our Christmas Guides Vol. 1 and 2, and the Unearthing Wonder Advent Guide. 
Find the beautiful Peaceful Press Cookbook on Amazon!! 
 In this episode–
When failure hits identify the lies that are coming up, these are lies or feelings that would say you're not enough, you don't have what it takes, you'll only fail. What is the Truth in God's Word? 
You're never alone.
Creating a vision isn't about perfection, but health in the precious areas of our life 
It's never too late to start to know yourself in the light of who God says you are. 
Raising children who have a relationship and not a religion.
Taking the Leap Podcast
Better than Blended by Rachel G. Scott and Willie J. Scott Jr. 
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Rachel G. Scott here-
Rachel G. Scott's  Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Thursday Sep 14, 2023

What makes great literature? Is Harry Potter great literature? What about Farenheit 451? Why are we at Restoration Home and The Peaceful Press so passionate about living stories, and how with all of these stories do we know what output to look for that assures us our child is learning?? 
Have you ever asked any of these questions?
In Episode 48, join Jennifer and Emelie, as they have a really fantastic conversation that engages all of these questions and much more. While this conversation is definitely more about homeschooling and teaching literature, it's also just a great conversation about learning and how we do it. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Grab your copy of the brand new Playful Pioneers Volume 2!!!
Check out the Peaceful Press Booklists!! 
Find the beautiful Peaceful Press Cookbook on Amazon!! 
 In this episode–
Why we start with good literature rather than worksheets
Living literature is about protaganists that grow 
Understanding that in the elementary years, sometimes input is more important than output when we're educating 
Workbooks teach your children to regurgitate information whilst engaging them in great literature, narration, and formulating ideas creates life long learners
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie’s Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Sep 08, 2023

Celebrations and traditions are ways we connect and remember the goodness of God in our lives. For all of time, cultures have built feasts and parties around significant events. As Christians, many of us find profound enjoyment and beauty in celebrations like Easter and Christmas as we remember Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection. And then we have cultural holidays, like Thanksgiving in America or Guy Fawkes in the UK. Most of us have family traditions we celebrate, and the memories and celebrations of our youth have a profound impact on us.
From early on Jennifer and her family began celebrating Passover in place of Easter, and as time and learning unfolded begin introducing and celebrating more of the Jewish Feasts into their year. On this podcast Sarah Ruth of Kindled Togetherness joins Jennifer to talk about the beauty of the Jewish Feasts and their celebration of Christ from the Passover Lamb to the Feast of Booths and the sojourning as we eagerly wait for the Lord’s return.
This is not a religious conversation, it’s a beautiful discussion between two moms and lovers of Jesus about the role remembering and celebrating what God spelled out in the feasts He gave the Israelites and how we can enjoy and celebrate them in our homes today. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
The Precious People Bundle is a full length elementary bundle that introduces the Jewish Feasts!!!
Looking for ways to celebrate and enjoy the beauty of the holidays? Check out our Christmas Guides Vol. 1 and 2, and the Unearthing Wonder Advent Guide. 
Find the beautiful Peaceful Press Cookbook on Amazon!! 
 In this episode–
What are the Jewish Feasts
Why do we celebrate them
Finding conviction for your family
The importance of having celebrations and the way we can use them to teach about God’s goodness
As we grow with the Lord, this is about relationship not religion and are their ways your relationship could be blessed by celebrating and remembering one or some of the Ancient Feasts?
If you're looking for more information you can check out these blog posts:  and
For guides you can check out Sarah Ruth’s guides to Jewish Feasts for great resources, as well.
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Sarah Ruth here-
Sarah Ruth's Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Sep 01, 2023

With school starting, we start to see more and more queries at the Peaceful Press about how much is enough. Enthusiastic moms and concerned moms want to be sure they are doing the utmost for their child's future well-being and education. 
In Episode 46 we have Durenda Wilson of the Durenda Wilson Podcast join Jennifer Pepito to talk about manage home schooling. What is too much, what is enough, what are the objectives we're looking for? Maybe providing an education is simpler than we think, if we're willing to stop and engage our children's curiosity, questions, exploration, and being. 
This is a great episode to explain and simplify the mystery of teaching and assure you, that you have what it takes to teach your children. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
The Playful Pioneers Volume 2 is here!!!
Looking for ways to celebrate and enjoy the beauty of the holidays? Check out our Christmas Guides Vol. 1 and 2, and the Unearthing Wonder Advent Guide. 
Find the beautiful Peaceful Press Cookbook on Amazon!! 
 In this episode–
When enough is enough
Creating an atmosphere that invites and encourages continual exploration
The importance of child-led exploration, especially in the younger years
Not matter how busy you are, you're ability to provide loving attentiveness to your child is a huge educatinal boon to your child
For more informatiuon check out Durenda Wilson's book The Four Hour School Day
If you're looking for more ways to help organise and plan your life, check out the Peaceful Press Planner or the Homeschool Planner.
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Durenda Wilson here-
Durenda's Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

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