Restoration Home with Jennifer Pepito

In this show we talk about the peaceful path to connected families and restored communities. It’s all about the simple things that we do as women that have the potential to save the world.

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25 minutes ago

Welcome to episode 105 of the Restoration Home Podcast. What a conversation we have for you today.
We had the honour of hosting Katy Faust of the "Them Before Us" movement. She comes on with heart-hitting facts about the cost of divorce, the crisis in a divorce generation, and the irreplaceable role of fathers. 
Today, 50% of divorces are over low-level conflicts that build, and the long-term cost of a self-serving "happiness' decision is our children's physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. 
Katy and Jennifer offer advice on better communicating with our husbands, the point of fathers, and the importance of putting our children first in every decision.
This great conversation is made possible by the Peaceful Press!
With Winter and Winter Holidays around the corner, check out the Peaceful Press resources and blogs for good literature, engaging ways to celebrate, and the Peaceful Press four-week Autumn Guide.
Autumn Guide,  Christmas Guide Volume 1 and Volume 2
 In this episode–
Fathers and mothers each bring unique childrearing traits to the table; one is not better than the other, and neither is replaceable. 
Children must come before adults in our policies, beliefs, and choices. 
Love your children by respecting their father and choosing the narrative you spin about him carefully.
It is children who bear the lifetime cost of a divorce, and step-parents rarely have your child's best interest at heart. 
We need to get serious about sustaining marriages in the church and honouring fathers' unique and vital role. 
Tips on how to communicate with your husband 
Them Before Us by Katy Faust and Stacy Manning
Check out Empowered Wife by Laura Doyle Keys to the Kingdom and the Queen's Code by Allison Armstrong for great books on understanding men and becoming more capable of navigating a gracious relationship with your husband. 
Check out The Men We Need by Brant Hansen for an incredible book on manhood. 
Order Katie's new book, Pro-Child Politics
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Katy here-
Katy's Instagram and website
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Monday Oct 07, 2024

We are delighted to welcome Sally Clarkson back to the Restoration Home Podcast! She is a dear friend and our first repeat guest on the podcast. She has recently published a new book, Well Lived: Shaping a Legacy of Gratitude and Grace. 
Her newest book is a memoir and an inspiration to mothers young and old, new and veteran. She joins Jennifer to talk about living a life of generosity and faithfulness. We often live our lives going from goal post to goal post, waiting until we've "arrived" or we're "done". However, as wives and mothers of faith, the journey is life itself, and we're called to run well until the run is complete. 
Sally Clarkson's gentleness and wisdom, shared through her personal stories, is a wonderful encouragement, and we are so excited to offer this episode to our community. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
With Winter and Winter Holidays around the corner check out the Peaceful Press resouces and blogs for good literature, engaging ways to celebrate, and the Peaceful Press four week Autumn Guide.
Autumn Guide,  Christmas Guide Volume 1 and Volume 2
 In this episode–
Create a vision of who you want to be in your family and the atmosphere you want to carry into your family.
Model your motherhood after women of character.
We need to plant the flag in our lives for what we believe and know to be accurate and hold fast, even when our circumstances or emotions aren't matching.
You have the agency and capacity to build an incredible life. 
You are not the victim of your life.
It is a more fulfilling way to live when we choose to grow into being like God. 
We are excited about Sally's newest book, Well Lived: Shaping a Legacy of Gratitude and Grace. 
Two of our favourite books by Sally are Different and Awakening Wonder. 
Check out Jennifer's new book Habits for a Sacred Home, which is available for pre-order on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Sally here-
Sally's Instagram and website
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Tuesday Oct 01, 2024

Have you ever wondered what fear was doing to your brain? Are there times when you have felt like you were on a perpetual rollercoaster of hard days? Does it sometimes feel like your days, weeks, months blend together in a cacophony of disappointment, failure, fear, and stress? 
Chris and Jennifer Coursey creators of Thrive Today and the 28 Day Joy Challenge join Jennifer Pepito for an incredible and practical conversation about how to create more joy-filled lives. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Are you starting to plan for next year's schooling and looking for homeschooling tips?? Check out the Peaceful Press's free How to Start Homeschooling Booklet. 
Looking for additional Science and Nature Studies? Check out the Peaceful Press Nature Book Flood. A year round study of God's creation through science experiments, great literature, and exploration of the outdoors. 
In this episode–
When we spend time focusing on joyful moments of our day, our brain begins to look for and note those moments more than the bad parts
Cuddling our spouse or our kids releases oxytocin which helps decompress and reduce stress 
Practical ways to identify negative thought patterns and replace them with joy
The importance of choosing what we focus on and our focus's effect on our emotions
The 4 Habits of Joy-Filled People by Marcus Warner and Chris Coursey 
Check out more books and resources by Chris and Jennifer
You can learn more about Jennifer here–
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Chris and Jen here–
Thrive Today
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Tuesday Sep 24, 2024

Alyssa Bethke, author of When Doing it All is Undoing You, joins Jennifer Pepito to talk about how to avoid burning out in the pursuit of being a great parent. Sometimes we forget that offering our best to our children can only come when we have first taken care of ourselves emotionally, spiritually, and physically. This can feel challenging in the early days of motherhood, but it is so essential to carve out this time for the sake of our children and our family. 
This is a beautiful and practical conversation for moms at every stage of parenting and motherhood. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Are you starting to plan for next year's schooling and looking for homeschooling tips?? Check out the Peaceful Press's free How to Start Homeschooling Booklet. 
Looking for additional Science and Nature Studies? Check out the Peaceful Press Nature Book Flood. A year round study of God's creation through science experiments, great literature, and exploration of the outdoors. 
In this episode–
We must root ourselves in the Lord to show up well for our families
More is not more, sometimes its less and painful for everyone  
A list of very practical ways to find mentors and care for ourselves in a busy season
The importance of being self-aware for our spiritual growth
When Doing it All is Undoing You by Alyssa Bethke 
You can learn more about Jennifer here–
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Alyssa Bethke here–
Alyssa's Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Monday Sep 16, 2024

What if homeschooling was hard simply because there were still some areas where past pain continued to steal the joy and whimsy from our present life? And what if taking our precocious, intelligent 4-year-old from preschool to 12th grade, without turning them into "barely interested test takers", was possible? What if everything we thought about education was a myth? What if a little more balance and less stress could have a whole lot of impact? 
In this delightful episode 101, Emelie and Jennifer talk about balance, baking bread, homeschooling, how life can steal our joy, why traditional workbook studies for our kids are detrimental to cultivating intelligence and much more. 
This episode is for every mom with a deep love for her family and a lot of work to get through daily. We understand that life is demanding, but it doesn't have to be draining. Enjoy this podcast's wisdom, insight and practical hopefulness to help calm your life down and find the space to focus on what matters.
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Order Jennifer's new book Habits for a Sacred Home and get access to exclusive bonuses. 
Starting to plan for next year's schooling and looking for tips on how to homeschool?? Check out the Peaceful Press's free How to Start Homeschooling Booklet. 
Shop the Peaceful Press Elementary Bundles 
The Peaceful Press Spring Guide and the Peaceful Press Garden Guide 
 In this episode–
Balance work, play, academics, house cleaning, just find that perfect middle
Sometimes your highschool can be rigorous and sometimes it can be relaxed, your child won't fail if it varies 
All work or all play make for too much sameness
How our past experiences can sap our current energy for whimisical schooling 
What does a great education look like for you?
The benefits of learning through play 
Looking for a simpler homeschool flow, check out the Peaceful Press Samples
Habits for a Sacred Home by Jennifer Pepito 
Simplifying Homeschooling to Avoid Burnout
The Peaceful Press Chore and Routine Cards 
Check out our Homeschool Planner on Amazon or the Peaceful Press Planner 
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie’s Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Tuesday Sep 10, 2024

It's my pleasure to introduce Christie Thomas, the creator of Little Shoots and Deep Roots, as she joins Jennifer for an enriching discussion on nurturing and educating our children.
As parents, our deepest wish is cultivating a love for God and joyful righteousness in our children. However, we often feel overwhelmed by distractions, grapple with fears, confront feelings of inadequacy, or simply struggle to find the time. But in Episode 100, you'll discover empowering and actionable insights for embarking on family discipleship with small yet impactful steps, releasing self-imposed pressures, and embracing gradual progress towards daily connection as a family through spiritual practices and scripture memorisation.
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Are you starting to plan for next year's schooling and looking for homeschooling tips?? Check out the Peaceful Press's free How to Start Homeschooling Booklet. 
Looking for additional Science and Nature Studies? Check out the Peaceful Press Nature Book Flood. A year round study of God's creation through science experiments, great literature, and exploration of the outdoors. 
In this episode–
Fear is not our friend in discipling our children 
Creating simple habits that we can sustain every day is the best way to disciple our children 
Anchor points are small practices we build out that no matter how intense our schedule or low our emotions, we can consistently do as a family and alone. 
Saying a simple prayer over our children each night before bed has big effects on their mental, emotional, and spiritual well being. 
You aren't perfect, and there is no perfect way to raise a "godly" family, but as we continue to bring Christ into the centre of it small actions can have God results. 
Check out Christie Thomas's free guide "Start Little"
Pick up Christie's new book Little Habits, Big Faith
You can learn more about Jennifer here–
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Christie Thomas here–
Christie's Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Tuesday Sep 03, 2024

Welcome to Episode 99. Join Jennifer Pepito on a solo episode about crafting a homeschool mission statement. There is so much pulling at our attention and every "yes" is a "no" to something else, and every "no" opens up new opportunities to say "yes" to something better for your family down the road. But until we have a clear idea of our values for why we are homeschooling and what we want our family to look like, we can end up saying "yes" and "no" to the wrong things because we get caught up in the emotion or pressure of the moment. 
This is a practical, beautiful, informative episode that will inspire you to start this school year with a fresh vision and develop the tools and skills to prioritize what really matters to you over the school year and beyond. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
As the school year starts, check out the Homeschool Planner for a great way to stay organized and focused. 
Looking for more nature and science for this year? The Peaceful Press Nature Book Flood is a beautiful addition to your school year.  
 In this episode–
Pursuing virtue as a family 
Why are you homeschooling? 
Homeschooling is wonderful but hard, and knowing why we are doing it keeps us focused and joyful on the challenging days
When decision-making fatigue sets in, a predetermined mission statement keeps our families on track 
The Peaceful Press Family Vision Sheet 
The Peaceful Life Workshop 
Habits for a Sacred Home by Jennifer Pepito 
Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto 
How to Homeschool Free Book
You can learn more about Jennifer here–
Jennifer's Instagram

Thursday Aug 22, 2024

Welcome to Episode 98. This week's guest, Natalie Abbott, is the co-creator of Dwell Differently. This business has developed an innovative method for memorizing scripture.
This episode delves into the founding of Dwell Differently and the importance and power of scripture memorization. Natalie's story is a beautiful reminder of the power of the Word of God. Join Jennifer and Natalie in this beautiful and inspiring conversation about righteousness, living in holiness without judgement, practical living from scripture, and the greatness of God's Word. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Order Jennifer's new book, Habits for a Sacred Home, and get access to exclusive bonuses. 
Are you starting to plan for next year's schooling and looking for homeschooling tips?? Check out the Peaceful Press's free How to Start Homeschooling Booklet. 
 In this episode–
The importance of scripture in our daily lives for joyful living 
The healing grace in Scriptures 
Happiness is a habit, and as we meditate on the scriptures we get to align our minds with God's truth 
Our feelings can change when we began to believe the Word of God
When we have negative tracks in our mind, Scripture becomes the off ramp 
Check out Natalie's book Dwell Differently
You can learn more about Jennifer here–
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Natalie Abbott here–
Natalie's Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Aug 16, 2024

Community is such an important part of our well being and flourishing. In fact the health of your relationships is the number one indicator of your health and happiness. It has also been a lifeline for the Pepito family through their time in Mexico and a mainstay of their approach to parenting. Community doesn't end with our peers, it includes our family, our extended family, and is part of our walk as Christians. Join Jennifer and Emelie as they talk about community, what works and what doesn't, how they built it and why family is so important. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Order Jennifer's new book, Habits for a Sacred Home, and get access to exclusive bonuses. 
Are you starting to plan for next year's schooling and looking for homeschooling tips?? Check out the Peaceful Press's free How to Start Homeschooling Booklet. 
 In this episode–
Why relationships with our parents are important 
A conversation around boundaries 
How to have good boundaries
Co-ops for building community 
You can learn more about Jennifer here–
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie’s Instagram
The Enneagram for Moms Book

Friday Aug 09, 2024

In episode 96 of Restoration Home, Jennifer is joined by author of Enneagram for Moms Beth McCord. This episode is all about the joys of raising individuals, how the Enneagram can become a useful tool for understanding your children's unique personalities, and how we can use this personality test to understand ourselves more as well. Jennifer and Beth also dive into the history of the Enneagram, and the facts and fiction that surround it.
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Order Jennifer's new book, Habits for a Sacred Home, and get access to exclusive bonuses. 
Are you starting to plan for next year's schooling and looking for homeschooling tips?? Check out the Peaceful Press's free How to Start Homeschooling Booklet. 
 In this episode–
Understanding the Enneagram
The importance of knowing our children well
How the Enneagram can help foster better connection
Where does the Enneagram come from?
Find more information at Your Enneagram Coach
You can learn more about Jennifer here–
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Beth McCord here–
Beth's Instagram
The Enneagram for Moms Book

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