
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
We are delighted to welcome Sally Clarkson back to the Restoration Home Podcast! She is a beloved friend and is joining Jennifer for the third time to share what is near and dear to her heart in this season.
We always love having Sally on as she brings so much intentionality and thoughtfulness as she shares with our community the thoughts and meditations that are near and dear to her heart in this season. We hope that you are blessed and encouraged by the intentionality that Sally Clarkson unfaillingly brings to the mothering journey.
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Spring is too magical to miss a moment of it! Enjoy the Peaceful Press Spring Guide and Garden Guide for a beautiful 4 weeks of learning that will take you outdoors while connecting as a family and learning.
Looking for more! Check out the Peaceful Press Nature Book Flood for a year of Charlotte Mason inspired science learning that takes you outdoors.
In this episode–
You cannot give your children too much encouragement
Don't discipline your child simply because they are different
Identify what your child is good at and support them in that
You can't be afriad to interrupt your child's selfishness
Heartfelt Discipline by Clay Clarkson
We are excited about Sally and Nathan's newest book, Uniquely You.
Two of our favourite books by Sally are Different and Awakening Wonder.
Check out Jennifer's new book Habits for a Sacred Home, which is available for pre-order on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Sally here-
Sally's Instagram and website
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Tuesday Mar 18, 2025
Tuesday Mar 18, 2025
Dana K White, the creator of A Slob Comes Clean, and author of many books on how to go from chaotic and cluttered brings such a unique perspective to Episode 126 of the Restoriaton Home.
At the core of her message is the gospel truth that being clean and tidy doesn't bring you any closer to God, and being messy and chaotic doesn't push you farther away from Him. As Dana says: this isn't an excuse to have a messy house, but it should remove shame and remind us that nothing we do or don't do can add or detract from God's love for us and presence in our lives.
As we deal with the shame around whatever perceived lack we are operating in, we can begin to build those small habits and changes that will transform our external world to be more orderly, peaceable, and pleasant to be in. Dana's website, books, and Instagram are full of simple, gentle ways to start transforming your life one small piece at a time.
God is not in a rush with our process and neither should we be.
This podcast is made possible by the Peaceful Press!
Spring is too magical to miss a moment of it! Enjoy the Peaceful Press Spring Guide and Garden Guide for a beautiful 4 weeks of learning that will take you outdoors while connecting as a family and learning.
Looking for more! Check out the Peaceful Press Nature Book Flood for a year of Charlotte Mason inspired science learning that takes you outdoors.
In this episode–
So often creativity and clutter go together
Your messy house is not disappointing God
Shame is not your friend
Start small and watch the micro changes grow
Getting rid of the unimportant things is one of the best ways to kick start a more peaceful environment.
Decluttering at the Speed of Life by Dana K White
Jesus Doesn't Care About Your Messy House: He Cares About Your Heart by Dana K. White
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Dana here-
Dana's Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Monday Mar 10, 2025
Monday Mar 10, 2025
Chelsi Jo Moore, creator of the Systemize Your Life podcast, joins Jennifer Pepito for episode 125! As I have gotten older, I have realised more and more that the best parts of my life come from some automated back process and that having systems gives me time for what I love. But sometimes, knowing what system to create or how to start can be overwhelming! Chelsi Jo has made it her business to help moms maximise productivity through improved efficiency so that more of our mental space is free to connect with our children, build our dream business, or pursue our dream hobby.
We only have a finite amount of creative problem-solving energy every day. We can't keep using that precious energy putting out fires that could have been prevented through better systems, more thorough planning, or simply cutting out the unimportant stuff. Instead, we want to create a life with energy left at the end of the day to connect with our spouses, have those late-night conversations with our teenagers, and have that early morning gym session that makes us feel so alive.
We hope you walk away from this conversation inspired, invigorated, and ready to shape your life rather than be shaped by it.
This podcast is made possible by the Peaceful Press!
Spring is too magical to miss a moment of it! Enjoy the Peaceful Press Spring Guide and Garden Guide for a beautiful 4 weeks of learning that will take you outdoors while connecting as a family and learning.
Looking for more! Check out the Peaceful Press Nature Book Flood for a year of Charlotte Mason inspired science learning that takes you outdoors.
In this episode–
Every woman needs a bed time routine
Learning to be effective gives us more time to rest
It's not about productivity, but systems can provide more space for productivity and the best parts of life
Learn more about the "great 8" that every mom should have systemised and automated.
For more great resources and tools, check out Chelsijo.co
Systemize your Life with Chelsi Jo
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Chelsi Jo here-
Chelsi Jo's Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Jennifer Pepito is a homeschool mom of 7 with 30 years of homeschool experience, the author of Mothering by the Book, Habits for a Sacred Home, and the founder of the Peaceful Press. At the core of her homeschool ethos is a desire to learn language arts through living literature that inspires the dreamer, the warrior, and the creator in each of our children.
Episode 124 dives deeper into Jennifer's principles for learning language arts. She walks you through what she did and how it benefited her children, the science behind learning language arts through a more Charlotte Mason-oriented approach, and how to make it work for you and your family if you're not sure where to start.
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Check out the Homeschool Planner for a great way to stay organized and focused as the new year starts.
Looking for more nature and science for this year? The Peaceful Press Nature Book Flood is a beautiful addition to your school year.
In this episode–
The reading you do as a family will define your children's vocabulary and narration abilities
Finding objective ways to grade your child's paper through Institute in Excellence in Writing
Our favourite language arts programs
Jennifer's stories of teaching language art and the development of her principles for learning
The Peaceful Press Family Vision Sheet
The Restoration Home Free Workshop
Habits for a Sacred Home by Jennifer Pepito
Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto
How to Homeschool Free e-Book
Institute for Excellence in Writing
You can learn more about Jennifer here–
Jennifer's Instagram

Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
Cassandra Speer co-author of Ready as You Are, co-creator of Her True Worth, wife, mother, author, homemaker, and student joins Jennifer Pepito for an incredible conversation on pursuing dreams as a mother, letting go of false limitations, and the rest that comes to us when we prioritise the presence of God.
The conversation with Cassandra inspired and encouraged us to dig a little deeper into the Word of God, pursue our dreams, take a phone break, and enjoy our kids. We hope it fills you with hope and provides you with many practical ideas to implement in your daily life to give you more margin and a sweeter perspective on your life.
This podcast is made possible by the Peaceful Press!
Spring is too magical to miss a moment of it! Enjoy the Peaceful Press Spring Guide and Garden Guide for a beautiful 4 weeks of learning that will take you outdoors while connecting as a family and learning.
Looking for more! Check out the Peaceful Press Nature Book Flood for a year of Charlotte Mason inspired science learning that takes you outdoors.
In this episode–
How to get started on your dreams
Being present to the ministry of the moment
You're not enough, but God's strength is made perfect in our weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
Take an audit of your time, and figure out where it is going
Take a phone sabbath to reduce cortisol and ground you for the rest of the week
It's not wrong to have comfort, but we can't allow "comfort" to replace the presence of God
Check out Cassandra's website and her podcast Hard and Holy for more encouragement in your journey as a mom and woman of God with a dream.
Ready as You Are by Brittany Maher and Cassandra Speer
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Cassandra here-
Cassandra's Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Work is a necessary part of life, and it's not always going to be fun, but we can still raise children who appreciate work and find meaning in it.
Welcome to episode 71! Join Jennifer and Emelie for a practical conversation about what inspires us to work, tips on raising children who enjoy work, turning new skill acquisition into play, healing from lies that you're only enough if you're working, and so much more!
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
With Spring around the corner check out the Peaceful Press four week Garden Guide.
Shop the Peaceful Press Elementary Bundles
The Peaceful Press Spring Guide and the Peaceful Press Garden Guide
In this episode–
Rewards should not be a part of our everyday work structure
Giving your children a vision for their work or someone to serve in the middle of it.
You are more than the work you do!
Creating children who are efficient and happy workers
Teach don't criticise when showing your children new skills
Check out the Peaceful Press Chore Cards
Looking for more great content? Check out our 5 most popular podcasts of all time.
How Shall We Live with Michelle Garrels
Managing a Holy Home with Johnna Holmgren
Boys Are People Too with Durenda Wilson
Jennifer's Guide to Creating a Daily Routine
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie’s Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Monday Feb 10, 2025
Monday Feb 10, 2025
KyAnn Molina, the creator of the Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms Podcast joins Jennifer Pepito in episode 122 for a very real conversation about mothering toddlers, bowls of spaghetti flying everywhere, and the pursuit of planning. It's easy to feel like you're the only one going through chaos or incapable of getting a little more order into your life. But you are not alone, and this episode is full of simple, practical steps to increase the peace in your home and reclaim your mind from the freneticness of competing interests. Enjoy!
This podcast is made possible by the Peaceful Press!
Spring is too magical to miss a moment of it! Enjoy the Peaceful Press Spring Guide and Garden Guide for a beautiful 4 weeks of learning that will take you outdoors while connecting as a family and learning.
Looking for more! Check out the Peaceful Press Nature Book Flood for a year of Charlotte Mason inspired science learning that takes you outdoors.
In this episode–
When you don't know where to start, start with putting your phone away for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening.
The importance of planning as a mom
Self-control is no match for the daily travails of life, this is where planning comes in to create margin and protect the peace of our homes
Simple steps to take back your mental life, recapture your hours, and enjoy living more
Check out KyAnn Molina's website and her podcast Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms for habits and skills to bring peace and order back into your home.
Opal Screen Time App
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about KyAnn here-
KyAnn’s Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
So often, we feel quite competent homeschooling through elementary school, but when we get to high school, the pressure to produce "adults" and the knowledge bank we think we need to give our children before they graduate is daunting.
It doesn't have to be that way, though. High school is not an impossible hurdle for homeschool families, and there are some easy ways to give your children life skills and confidence that will complement their learning. Join Jennifer and Emelie as they talk about preparation for high school, and what went well.
This great conversation is made possible by the Peaceful Press!
The Peaceful Press supports healthy habits and responsibility by incorporating practical life skills into each day.
For great resources that help with habit building into every day, check out the Chore and Routine Pack. Our full length bundles give your children the opportunity to learn practical skills, read beautiful literature, and engage in a living history and applicable science. If you're not loving your current homeschool, don't wait till next year to make a change. Switch now and enjoy every moment of learning with the Peaceful Press.
The Peaceful Press Elementary Bundles
In this episode–
High school doesn't have to be daunting
When you children are young is when you start equipping them with the habits and skills to thrive in high school and beyond
Work does not steal a child's innocence or their childhood, your stress does.
Your teenagers need connection!
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie’s Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Monday Jan 27, 2025
Monday Jan 27, 2025
Laura Lindahl is on our podcast this week! She is a pre and postnatal health coach and brings a passion for women's health and wholeness in the beautiful but intense process of giving birth and recovery. There is so much information now that better allows us to understand the impact of pregnancy on our hormones and be more gentle with ourselves in postpartum healing. This is a niche episode, but it is so important for us to understand. If you are no longer in the birthing stage, this is a great episode to share with someone in your life who is in the midst of birth and postpartum recovery.
This podcast is made possible by the Peaceful Press!
Spring is too magical to miss a moment of it! Enjoy the Peaceful Press Spring Guide and Garden Guide for a beautiful 4 weeks of learning that will take you outdoors while connecting as a family and learning.
Looking for more! Checkout the Peaceful Press Nature Book Flood for a year of Charlotte Mason inspired science learning that takes you outdoors.
In this episode–
Myths about recovery
Taking your time to recover, and looking for a sustainable path to get back to yourself
After having a baby you will never be the same person, this is normal, and take the time to connect with your spouse, your new child, older children, and yourself in quiet moments
Protecting your quiet space after a birth is so important to your recovery
Clarity on what it means to take care of yourself
Check out Laura Lindahls website True Strength Collective and her podcast Strong After Birth for more great resources and practical tips for pregnant and postnatal moms.
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Laura here-
Laura's Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
At the Peaceful Press, we receive so many questions on how to homeschool your child through high school. High school is the last step before how we taught our children and what we taught them is really tested. Increased requirements and laws governing high school can also make it seem like too bit an endeavour to undertake at home or like our children are going to miss out on an essential part of a high school education. With these additional internal and external pressures, it is easy to abandon a living education and dump our teens into the grind of traditional high school test taking.
It doesn't have to be that way though, and test taking does not equal an education. Join Jennifer Pepito and her 27 years of homeschool experience and 6 high school graduates as she walks you through motivation to keep homeschooling and what to plan for in highschool. There is no size fits all, but we hope this episode inspires you to find the size that fits well for your family.
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Check out the Homeschool Planner for a great way to stay organized and focused as the new year starts.
Looking for more nature and science for this year? The Peaceful Press Nature Book Flood is a beautiful addition to your school year.
In this episode–
Jennifer's 5 priorities for a great high school education
What Scott and Jennifer did, what worked for them, and what did not
Connection with our teens becomes harder but more essential
Tailor each child's education to give them the best shot at life
Setting the right goals for high school
The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto
Hero Education by Oliver DeMille
Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto
How to Homeschool Free Book
The Peaceful Path to a Living Education
You can learn more about Jennifer here–
Jennifer's Instagram