Restoration Home with Jennifer Pepito

In this show we talk about the peaceful path to connected families and restored communities. It’s all about the simple things that we do as women that have the potential to save the world.

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Friday Jan 27, 2023

Welcome to Episode 15!! Jennifer and Ann author of The Path to Peace talk about how stability through family vision and rhythm can offer a path for healed families and restored communities. When we are rooted in Christ as the Prince of Peace, we make decisions for ourselves and families that are rooted in wholeness, rather than filling our lives with striving and chaos to belong, do enough, be enough, or keep up with the world around us. 
In this episode–
Crafting your family vision and rythms
Raising healthy children in their mind, body, and souls is a process that takes a childhood not a few years
Pursuing stability in community
Committing to the lifelong process of stability. 
The benefits of a Charlotte Mason Education 
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Ann here-
Ann's Instagram 
Episode sponsored by The Peaceful Press. Create connection through our literature based resources. 
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Jan 20, 2023

Welcome to episode 14 of Restoration Home! Jennifer and Carole Joy Seid, at Homeschool Made Simple, talk about stability through honouring the covenant we make to our community, and through honouring one another.  This is a great and real conversation about the joy and duty of being a wife and mother, with stories from the life of the amazing Ruth Bell Graham and Jennifer's pursuit of stability through a healthy prioritised marriage.
We discuss-
How as wives and mothers, when we honour our spouses, it creates stability for our children 
Ruth Bell Graham and how her honour of her husband created stability 
Stability is created when we know our priorities and have first things first.
A beautiful reiteration of our continuous need for the Word of God in all areas of our life.
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Carol Joy Seid here-
Carol Joy's Instagram and
Episode sponsored by The Peaceful Press. Create connection through our literature based resources. 
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

The Path Toward Stability

Saturday Jan 14, 2023

Saturday Jan 14, 2023

Episode 13 is an introduction to 4 weeks on the spiritual discipline of stability. Join Jennifer and Emelie as they talk about how rhythms, grieving, forgiveness, and being rooted in Christ can provide stability for ourselves and our families day to day, and in times of external chaos and instability. 
In this episode–
How undealt with trauma can cause us to enlarge small stress out of scope of reality
Forgiveness and grieving in healing trama so we can be  grounded and at rest despite what's going on around us
The role of parents in providing stability 
Seeking God by Esther De Waal
Mothering by the Book by Jennifer Pepito 
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie's Instagram
Episode sponsored by The Peaceful Press. Create connection through our literature based resources. 
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Jan 06, 2023

Welcome to episode 12 of Restoration Home! Jennifer and Jamie Erickson, author of The Holy Hygge, talk about creating hygge hospitality for our family and those we welcome in. More importantly, they discuss how learning to root deep in Christ allows us to rest in Him when we're going through what feels like prolonged winters of the soul and in need of deep comfort. 
We discuss-
What is Hygge 
Creating comfort in our homes to invite people into
Recognising that God is the author of all comfort and turning to him to heal deep wounds both past and present so that we can in turn steward comfort for others going through similar things.
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Jamie Erickson here-
Jamie's Instagram and The Unlikely Homeschool
Episode sponsored by The Peaceful Press. Create connection through our literature based resources. 
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Dec 30, 2022

Welcome to episode 11! In this episode, we're taking a break from hospitality to talk about processing and planning for the New Year. Emelie and Jennifer talk about their practice of reflection, prayer, and soaking that goes into creating dreams and goals for every unique, God ordained New Year. 
New Years Resources–
Free Peaceful Life Workshop for New Year Planning
Mothering by the Book by Jennifer Pepito
A Peaceful Planner 
The Peaceful Loop: A Mom's Mentorship Group
Check out the Chore and Routine Cards at the Peaceful Press for more ways to build routine and habits in your daily life. 
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie's Instagram
Episode sponsored by The Peaceful Press. Create connection through our literature based resources. 
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Dec 23, 2022

Merry Christmas and welcome to episode 10 of Restoration Home! Jennifer and Lori Beth Auldridge of the Elevating Motherhood Podcast talk about the spiritual and emotional foundation we must build in ourselves and our family, so we can facilitate radical hospitality. 
We discuss-
How you can open your home and retain your beliefs 
Building deep relationships with our children so that they are protected and secure while also opening our home to strangers
Hospitality as an act we can practice outside of our home
Hospitality as being a peacemaker, being available to be used by God, rather than making something happen
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Lori Beth here-
Lori Beth's Instagram
For the Peaceful Press Christmas Guides and Advent Guide check out our shop Holiday Collection. 
Episode sponsored by The Peaceful Press. Create connection through our literature based resources. 
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Dec 16, 2022

Welcome to episode 9 of Restoration Home! Jennifer and Emelie talk hospitality. From living in Mexico and hosting groups in their home, to hosting three different families while living in a travel trailer, and remodeling, they've experienced hospitality in many iterations. Here they talk about what hospitality is, and how we can do it even when we feel less than perfect.  
We discuss-
Hospitality what it is and why it’s so important as a spiritual discipline 
The difference between hospitality and a show 
Hospitality as a wonder and interest in people and a delight in welcoming them in and getting to know them in the way Christ has welcomed us into Himself and his kingdom.
The radical, authentic hospitality of the Ten Booms in “The Hiding Place”
Check out the Chore and Routine Cards at the Peaceful Press for more ways to build routine and habits in your daily life. 
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie's Instagram
For the Peaceful Press Christmas Guides and Advent Guide check out our shop Holiday Collection. 
Episode sponsored by The Peaceful Press. Create connection through our literature based resources. 
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Dec 09, 2022

Welcome to Episode 8 of Restoration Home with Jennifer Pepito and Elizabeth Santelmann of the "Sunshine in My Nest" Podcast. This is a beautiful episode about imperfect community, how we navigate disappointment when our community fails, and God's grace as we continue in the pursuit of growth and righteousness as families, individuals and community. Community is where we see God's grace play out, and where we are refined, it is not a replacement for God. 
We discuss-
How we need community but what to do when our community is less than perfect
How we engage in community as imperfect people with imperfect people
Not making community our God
The way truly understanding God's grace allows us to re-enegage with imperfect community and be imperfect ourselves 
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Elizabeth here-
Elizabeth's Instagram
Here are answers to your questions  on how to homeschool in community.
Episode sponsored by The Peaceful Press. Create connection through our literature based resources.
For the Peaceful Press Christmas Guides and Advent Guide check out our shop Holiday Collection. 

Friday Dec 02, 2022

In this episode of Restoration Home, Jennifer and Emelie discuss how community shapes us, and the purposes we share when we're developing it. 
We discuss-
The motivations behind the community we're forming
Crafting a community that is more than just play or downtime
Building community that includes a role for children 
How our strengths are essential in building the meaningful community we crave
Steps towards creating a cohesive community
The Peaceful Press Family Vision Sheet
Mothering by the Book by Jennifer Pepito
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie's Instagram
For the Peaceful Press Christmas Guides and Advent Guide check out our shop Holiday Collection. 
Episode sponsored by The Peaceful Press. Create connection through our literature based resources. 
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Episode 6 Being Community

Friday Nov 25, 2022

Friday Nov 25, 2022

Welcome to Episode 6 of Restoration Home with Jennifer Pepito and Anna Symonds of "Fill Your House with Books". The episode covers how we learn to heal feeling unwanted when we continually initiate community. As we learn to heal the lies that hold us in isolation, we enjoy the fruits of community, and it allows us the privilege of bringing others into deeper and more meaningful community. As always, you become like the people you abide with. 
We discuss-
Breaking the lie that I'm not wanted or enough in order to build the  community and belonging we long for
Are we willing to be obedient and put ourselves out there to craft beautiful community
How seasons of loneliness build the foundation for flourishing community
Having the heart and tenderness of Christ towards the people put across our paths.  
Heidi by Johanna Spyri and Mothering by the Book by Jennifer Pepito
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Anna and Fill Your House with Books here-
Anna's Instagram
For the Peaceful Press Christmas Guides and Advent Guide check out our shop Holiday Collection. 
Episode sponsored by The Peaceful Press. Create connection through our literature based resources. 
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

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