Restoration Home with Jennifer Pepito

In this show we talk about the peaceful path to connected families and restored communities. It’s all about the simple things that we do as women that have the potential to save the world.

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Friday Apr 07, 2023

Steven Lawson, creator of the Monk Manual and Life Atlas, joins us for the final episode on Prayer. Steven created the Monk Manual as a daily journal to foster being and doing. As Christians on the quest of restoration, the process of being still is part of our prayer life. It also undergirds our parenting, our relationships, and the impact we have on the world. Episode 25 is an incredible look at what we as women and mothers can accomplish when we let go of what we can't control and choose to steward the act of being before God, with our children, and in the sometimes hectic grind of day to day life. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Enjoy the The Good Gospel, a 26 week study of the life of Jesus or check out our free Peaceful Life Planner to start creating a family vision. 
 In this episode–
How the prayerful act of being can change our lives
How being and becoming can positively impact our daily "doing"
Gratititude as a choice  
Practical ways to identify unrest in our hearts and bring God into our daily lives
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about the Monk Manual here-
Monk Manual
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Passover Special

Friday Mar 31, 2023

Friday Mar 31, 2023

When God brought the Israelites out of Egypt, one of the first things He did was set up traditions that they were to observe as a community. These were meant to help them remember what God had done, and give them rest and times of celebration. As we approach Passover, join us for a special episode with Avital Schreiber Levy of HiFam. The following conversation is a challenging and insightful look at building generational tradition and community. 
Episode sponsored by the Peaceful Press!
Enjoy beautiful Christian Seder (Passover) Resources and The Good Gospel, a 26 week study of the life of Jesus. 
 In this episode–
The impact of community on our traditions 
Joy and practices in sustaining generational long traditions
Capturing the heart of our children in setting standards and boundaries 
Building family and individual identity into our traditions 
Taking on the weight of remembering God and His works in the traditions we create
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Avital here-
Avital's Instagram
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Mar 24, 2023

Welcome to episode 23 of Restoration Home. This is the third episode on the Discipline of Prayer. Jennifer and Emelie dive into prayer, but also growing a spiritual life within a community and raising Godly children with grace and discipline. They talk about some of their great failures and successes in the Pepito Home. Finally, prayer lived out requires community, and we're excited to have you join us in this episode of the Restoration Home.
 In this episode–
Where is grace, discipline and identity in raising children
The importance of corporate prayer and community
The grace of God also includes chastisment and how we can embrace this in community
The Good Gospel by the Peaceful Press
Episodes 5-12 talk about Community and Hospitality more in depth! 
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie's Instagram
Episode sponsored by The Peaceful Press. Create connection through our literature based resources. 
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Mar 17, 2023

Welcome to episode 22 of Restoration Home. Jennifer and Kris talk about prayer and how to develop a restorative prayer life in the midst of the chaos of day to day life. Life also changes as children grow up, and our illusion of control shifts from fixing a bandaged knee to watching our teenagers drive away for the first time, and truly realising that God alone is in control. Prayer is meditation that allows us to continually stay in the presence of God amidst the lies and fears that would like to swirl in our mind. 
 In this episode–
Learning to use prayer and meditation to let go of fear and trust God for our lives and loved ones
Tips for young moms to carve out time to pray and enjoy God
The importance of learning to listen to God for creative God given solutions to everyday stress
The Good Gospel by the Peaceful Press
Saint Patricks Prayer
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Kris here-
Kris's Instagram and Refine Retreat
Episode sponsored by The Peaceful Press. Create connection through our literature based resources. 
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

The Discipline of Prayer

Friday Mar 10, 2023

Friday Mar 10, 2023

Welcome to episode 21 of Restoration Home. Jennifer and Emelie talk about the pursuit of prayer in our Christian walk. We are mandated to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) but prayer is more than the formulas we pray before eating. Prayer is an ongoing continuous conversation with a loving God who wants to be in communication with us. In this conversation, we talk about how to expand and grow our prayer life and awareness of God in our daily lives.
 In this episode–
How do we know we are hearing the voice of God
The importance of prayer for restoration
How to pray and learning from the Psalms
God as a God Who Answers: Jeremiah 29:12, Psalm 91:15, Job 33:26, Zechariah 13:9, Mathew 7:7
The Good Gospel by the Peaceful Press
Evidence Not Scene by Darlene Deibler Rose
Saint Patricks Prayer
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie's Instagram
Episode sponsored by The Peaceful Press. Create connection through our literature based resources. 
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Simplicity Lived Out

Friday Mar 03, 2023

Friday Mar 03, 2023

Welcome to episode 20 with returning guest Kristin Dahman. This is a beautiful summary conversation about simplicity and how we can create simplicity in our daily lives. 
We discuss-
Simplifying your routines to create connection
How we deal with stressors and communicate those to our children
Creating systems to simplify our work loads
Enjoying what we have and staying present
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Kristin here-
Kristin's Instagram
For ways to organise your work check out the Peaceful Press Planner or buy the hard copy here. You can also download the free Family Vision Sheet to start vision drafting for your family. 
This episode is sponsored by The Peaceful Press. Create connection through our literature based resources. 
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Feb 24, 2023

Welcome to episode 19 of Restoration Home. This is a deeply personal conversation between Jennifer and Emelie about the simple, single-minded spiritual discipline of childlike faith in God as a good Father. We talk about how letting go of past wounds that keep us in states of stress and disintegration can bring a simplistic faith in God's ability to show up where we fail and be the rock we build on. Just as we would clean out our house, we can ask God to help us clean and simplify our hearts and minds. 
 In this episode–
Lessons in the important things
Simplifying our priorities so we can be present for our family
Understanding how stressful childhoods can lead us to emotionally exagerate present day stressors
Mathew 28:19-20 and Isaiah 40:28-31
Essentialism by Greg McKeown
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie's Instagram
Episode sponsored by The Peaceful Press. Create connection through our literature based resources. 
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Feb 17, 2023

Episode 18 is all about what simplicity is and what it isn't. Join Jennifer and Evgenia, creator of the Fit Mama Method, as they sort through the kind of simplicity we want and the kind we don't want. Growing up for Evgenia was enforced simplicity, with limited or no choices, and "stores with only cabbage." Evgenia now works as a nutrition and life coach to help mothers learn to live with intentionality and a restored simplicity that operates from values, not reactions. Evgenia brings so much wisdom and insight into our notions of simplicity as mothers and women. 
In this episode–
Evgenia's story of growing up in Russia during and after the fall of the USSR
Healing from our childhood so we can have life giving and not reactionary values 
 Simplifying for the health of our family
How we can simplify through intentionality as women and mothers
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Evgenia here-
Evgenia's Instagram
It's not too late to join The Peaceful Loop
Episode sponsored by The Peaceful Press. Create connection through our literature based resources. 
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Friday Feb 10, 2023

Welcome to the first episode on Simplicity!! This episode is a wonderful insight into Jennifer's homeschooling experience, and the vision that birthed the Peaceful Press. Join Emelie and Jennifer as they discuss their experiences learning and teaching, and how we can simplify our homeschooling for maximum impact and connection. More is not always better, and the Peaceful Press ethos is that a strong foundation built on fundamentals and parental atunement and connection will set your children up to thrive academically and emotionally, in whatever they pursue. 
In this episode–
The academic essentials from Emelie and Jennifer's experience 
Simplifying our homeschool curriculum to create a strong academic foundation
The role of connection in learning 
Where to Start with the Peaceful Press
Dumbing Us Down, Weapons of Mass Instruction and The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto
Chasing Excellence by Ben Bergeron
Grammar Refreshers: Eats, Shoots, and Leaves by Lynne Truss and Elements of Style by Strunk Jr. and White
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie's Instagram
Episode sponsored by The Peaceful Press. Create connection through our literature based resources. 
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

Foundations for Stability

Friday Feb 03, 2023

Friday Feb 03, 2023

Welcome to the last episode in the Stability Season. Episode 16 is a beautiful discussion about how habits, rhythms, and routines create stability.  Stability is not the absence of play, it is creating a foundation of peace for our families that creates time for connection, play, and offers security in an ever-changing and sometimes overwhelming world. 
In this episode–
Building habits and routines
How to recover a seemingly lost day by continuing to make decisions to do the right thing. 
The effect of small, consistent good choices in buidling stabiliy 
The vision of Restoration Home
Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Early
You can learn more about Jennifer here-
Jennifer's Instagram
You can learn more about Emelie here-
Emelie's Instagram
It's not too late to join The Peaceful Loop
Episode sponsored by The Peaceful Press. Create connection through our literature based resources. 
Some Amazon Affiliate Links.

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